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“Instill in the young a taste for true joy in every area of life, for family, friendship, solidarity with those who suffer, self-renunciation for the sake of the other, love of knowledge, art, and the beauty of nature.”
Pope Benedict XVI

Montessori Lower

The Pre-Grammar

The Grammar

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Throughout all our programs there is the unifying theme of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. This is a unique approach to the Christian formation of young children. It is deeply rooted in the Scripture and the Liturgy of the Church and finds its structure in the educational principles of Maria Montessori.
About Our School
The Pre-Grammar One of the main applications of this orientation is in the multi-age classroom experience, which allows for the unique interaction observed by Montessori between children of different ages: a beautiful and supportive interaction between youngers and olders, which all but disappeared in classrooms of segregated ages as we have now in most public and private schools. Interestingly, this is similar to the model of the one room schoolhouse and master teacher model found in the Classical schools of old.