The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Levels 1, 2 and 3
In a prepared environment called ‘the atrium’ the child encounters the essential proclamations of the Christian message through sensorial rich materials, which allow him to engage body and soul in God’s Word and in the Life of the Church. It is a place of prayer and profound joy seeking only to help foster in the child a deep and lifelong relationship with Jesus, the Good Shepherd and His Church.
At Divinum Auxilium Academy the atrium is the nucleus of our school. Because it is central to everything we are, it is offered both as part of the curriculum for children enrolled in the school, or as a stand-alone offering for home-schooling families who would like to have just the atrium for their children.
For more detailed information about this beautiful program for children, please see the national organization’s (CGS USA) ‘32 Points of Reflection.‘
To schedule a visit to the school or to ask further questions please contact us.